Monday, May 6, 2013

My Thoughts on Dogs

I just want to say something about dogs...

Now, I don't dislike dogs as a rule, but they do frighten me, and that's my problem. But do dog's have to be so pushy?

They chase me, I try to leave the room and take the high ground but they chase me! WHY?!

They need to just leave me alone if I choose to leave them alone.

And what's with their smell? Don't they know how to clean themselves? They certainly have no problem licking each other's privates , they should learn to clean the rest of themselves.

Once again I want to say I don't have anything against all dogs, that would be silly. There's good and bad in all species. But most dogs, frankly, deserve to be treated like dogs.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Hi, my name is Moe, and I'm a cat with something to say! My Daddy helped me make this blog spot, so his name is over there on the side... But this is my blog. I hope you come back soon and see what I have to say.